In a small town, a clumsy young doctor fresh out of medical school faces the harsh reality of life in practice. The behavior of the patients, ranging from peculiar to deranged, will test his patience and skills. After being rejected by several women, our protagonist is on a mission to prove himself to his mentor and, along the way, win the heart of the charming daughter of a prominent local citizen.
Everything changes when a mysterious and eccentric character enters his life: a former doctor who, convinced that the young man needs a helping hand, decides to teach him his "unconventional techniques." Together, they embark on a wild journey that includes absurd diagnoses, unusual remedies, and hilarious situations that challenge the medical ethics and sanity of the young doctor.
As the situations become increasingly chaotic, the line between serious and absurd blurs, and laughter becomes the best medicine. Amidst the uproar, the young man realizes that love also requires a dose of courage and madness.
The film unfolds at a frantic pace, blending slapstick and romance as our protagonist tries to deal with his professional life and the whirlwind that love offers. In the end, he will have to choose between following the strict rules of medicine or embracing his more authentic and fun side.