In a remote and arid landscape of rural Norway, love and the struggle for survival intertwine in the life of a hunter named Ejvind and his faithful wife, uniting their fates amidst adversity. After a life of sacrifices and extreme challenges, their relationship is put to the test when they face the harsh reality of the approaching winter. Snow covers the ground and cold seizes their hearts, while resources dwindle and desperation becomes palpable.
One day, Ejvind encounters an opportunity to change his fortune when he discovers a rich spring of natural resources in the nearby mountains. However, this find brings with it moral conflicts, as pursuing it leads him to betray his simple, quiet life. His wife, who has stood by him through the difficult days of their lives, knows well the price this choice could carry. Caught between the desire to improve their situation and loyalty to their roots, the couple experiences an emotional ebb and flow that pushes them to make decisions that will change their lives forever.
The story is a captivating exploration of love, sacrifice, and the pursuit of happiness in an unforgiving world, where each choice can lead to redemption or ruin. As the harshness of their environment becomes increasingly oppressive, Ejvind and his wife embark on a journey that will test their connection and their survival.