In a small town in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century, an adventurous young woman with an indomitable spirit named Mary decides to challenge the social norms imposed on girls of her time. While her friends dream of a future filled with marriage promises, Mary longs to explore the world and live her own life. With the support of her faithful dog and a series of peculiar encounters, she manages to embark on a journey that will take her across the country.
However, her journey is not without obstacles. From comedic situations with eccentric characters to reflective moments where she questions her place in a world that often seems to close doors on her, Mary, with her wit and determination, becomes a symbol of the female struggle, facing the prejudices of her environment and breaking stereotypes at every turn.
As her journey progresses, she encounters other young dreamers who also wish to defy their families' expectations. Together, they form an unexpected community that supports one another in the pursuit of their dreams. Throughout this thrilling adventure, Mary discovers that true bravery lies not only in pursuing dreams but in being authentic and true to oneself. In an emotional conclusion, the young woman carries with her the lessons learned, preparing for a future full of possibilities that awaits her.