In a dark and oppressive world, a small community lives in terror of the constant threat posed by the "Purgers," mysterious creatures that emerge from the shadows every year to take the most unfortunate. As the cycle of purification approaches, tension rises among the villagers. Some believe that this practice is a form of redemption and cleansing of the soul, while others consider it a horror that they must fight against.
The story centers on Elena, a brave and determined young woman who has lost her brother in the last cycle. As the days shorten and the date of Purgatory draws near, she begins to investigate the legends surrounding the Purgers. What she discovers is a dark and complex truth: these creatures are not simply beasts, but the echoes of the villagers' own fears and secrets.
Joining a group of rebels, which includes TomΓ‘s, a former soldier marked by his past, they plan a desperate attempt to confront the Purgers. Amid internal conflicts and the struggle to open her neighbors' eyes, Elena becomes a symbol of hope and resistance. The film culminates on a dark night, where the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption will be revealed, testing the worth of all involved in an epic battle for their lives and reputation.