In a small town at the beginning of the 20th century, the community lives in fear of an outbreak of a strange disease. Desperation takes hold of the inhabitants, who seek desperate solutions to save their loved ones. Everything changes when a charismatic and mysterious unlicensed doctor arrives in the area. With a charming smile and a rather dubious anesthesia kit, he presents himself as the savior everyone has been waiting for.
The new doctor promises miraculous cures, and despite his lack of credentials, he quickly gains the trust of the locals, who are willing to do anything to regain their health. But things start to get complicated when a group of skeptics, led by the local physician, begins to investigate the dark secrets behind this "specialist's" unorthodox methods.
As the story progresses, comedic situations intertwine with drama, showcasing the clash between traditional medicine and pseudoscience. Tension mounts when the true intentions of the quack doctor are revealed, and the town must band together to uncover whether he is genuinely saving lives or harming the innocent.
With a satirical tone and sharp humor, the film explores the fine line between desperation and blind trust, prompting reflection on faith in medicine and the necessity of science in times of crisis. In the end, will ingenuity and friendship save the town, or will they fall for the charlatan's trap?