In a quiet city, where life moves at a leisurely pace, a strong-willed and determined man finds himself amidst an impending conflict. With the arrival of a new tram that promises to transform local transportation, his neighbors are divided between those who see progress as an opportunity and those who fear losing the essence of their home. The protagonist, a defender of tradition, leads a group of opponents who protest against the construction of the tram, arguing that it will bring chaos and destroy the peace of the neighborhood.
As tensions rise, the man becomes embroiled in a series of unexpected events. Peaceful conversations turn into heated discussions, and plans to sabotage the project begin to take shape. However, an unexpected friendship with a tram engineer challenges his convictions. The rivalry between progress and tradition evolves into an emotional battle, where the protagonist must confront his own fears and prejudices.
In this journey, the protagonist discovers that the answer to his dilemma is not as straightforward as it seems; in fact, the true struggle may not be between change and stability, but rather between acceptance and the fear of the unknown. In an unexpected conclusion, the connections among all the characters are revealed, leading to a resolution that balances modernity with nostalgia.