In a small Danish town in the early 20th century, a group of young teenagers confronts the complexities of life and the restrictions imposed by society. The plot revolves around the lives of several friends who begin to question the traditional norms and expectations that govern their lives. As they approach adolescence, they are driven by the desire to explore their identity and find their place in the world.
The story begins with a group of boys and girls who spend their free time playing and dreaming about their futures. However, the arrival of a new teacher, with modern and progressive ideas, sparks a change. Through his teachings, the teenagers begin to awaken a sense of individuality and question the choices they have made so far. They become involved in small rebellions that lead them to confront their own fears and the judgment of adults.
As they navigate first loves, complicated friendships, and the pressure to meet familial expectations, the youth discover the value of authenticity and freedom. As the story unfolds, they will face crucial decisions that will define their path to adulthood. With a touch of nostalgia and reflections on youth, the film captures the essence of that search for freedom and self-discovery that we have all experienced at some point.