In a bustling European city in the early 20th century, a talented double bassist in a renowned orchestra struggles to make a name for himself in the competitive world of classical music. As he immerses himself in his passion for the double bass, his life becomes complicated with the arrival of a beautiful and ambitious singer who has just joined the orchestra. From the very first moment, the connection between them is undeniable, but she is determined to succeed and seems uninterested in a romance that would distract her from her career.
As relationships on stage become strained, the bassist confronts his own demons: his insecurity and precarious financial situation. He feels that his talent will never be enough to win the singer’s heart or to achieve his dreams. The orchestra becomes an emotional battleground where envy and passion intertwine with the notes of music. As rehearsals and performances unfold, the tension between professional ambition and personal feelings intensifies.
In a dramatic climax, the bassist must decide between the passion he feels for the singer and his desire to become the musician he has always dreamed of being. The film explores the struggle between love and ambition, all enhanced by the sublime music that envelops each scene, taking the characters and the audience on a poignant journey through life and art.