In an idyllic rural village, two young lovers, Emily and James, find themselves caught in a web of emotions and tradition. Emily, a diligent worker on her family's farm, dreams of a life larger than her limited surroundings. On the other hand, James, the son of the neighboring farmer, is an aspiring poet who yearns to escape the weight of family expectations.
Tensions arise when Emily's family decides she must marry a wealthy landowner, a man who promises security but lacks love. Despite the rules imposed by their families, Emily and James flee to the hills surrounding their home. In this refuge, they unleash their dreams and the passion that burns between them, writing verses and promising each other a future together.
However, the outside world will soon intrude. Social pressure and familial obligations return to Emily and James's lives, and they must confront the harsh reality of an almost impossible love. What began as a nostalgic romance in a dreamlike landscape becomes a heartbreaking struggle for freedom and authenticity. With captivating direction and a script that explores love and sacrifice, this timeless story reminds us that sometimes, following the heart can come at an irreversible cost. Will the lovers navigate the trials of life and remain together, or will they be forced to surrender to the world's expectations?