In a coastal village in Wales, the life of a young fisherman takes an unexpected turn when he falls madly in love with a beautiful woman who arrives in the town. She is an outsider, with an air of mystery that fascinates everyone, but her life is marked by a dark secret. As they both attempt to build a relationship in an environment where the gaze of others can be relentless judges, they face the disapproval of the locals, who view the arrival of this stranger with suspicion, fearing she will bring misfortune to the community.
As their love blossoms, the dangers of the sea, where the young man ventures to make a living, begin to resonate in their hearts. On a stormy night, he embarks on a dangerous expedition, while she clings to hope and the fear of losing him. Destiny, however, has its own plans. In a series of heartbreaking twists, the plot unfolds, revealing each character's internal struggles and the duality of love and tragedy.
The tide slowly begins to turn, and what seemed to be a tale of fleeting romance transforms into a deep exploration of devotion, loss, and sacrifice. When the storm finally calms, the characters must face the consequences of their choices and the mark that love has left on their hearts. A poignant portrait of life, love, and the power of fate, set against a desolate and moving landscape.