In a world where ancient gods and the forces of nature intertwine, a young archaeologist, Richard, embarks on a dangerous expedition to the heart of the Egyptian desert after receiving a mysterious letter from an old mentor. Accompanied by a group of intrepid adventurers, each with their own secrets and motivations, Richard faces a desolate landscape filled with wonders and dangers.
Upon arriving at a forgotten temple, they inadvertently awaken an ancient curse that had remained sealed for millennia. Now, they not only must decipher the enigmas hidden within the site but also confront supernatural creatures lurking in every shadow. Tension mounts as members of the group begin to unravel under the pressure of their fears and hidden desires, and secrets from the past start to emerge.
As time runs out and the desert becomes their prison, Richard must find a way to reverse the curse before itβs too late. But he soon realizes that he is not only racing against time but also against his own demons. In a blend of action, mystery, and exploration, the film takes the viewer on an emotional journey that combines the quest for knowledge with the desire for redemption. In the end, how much is Richard willing to pay to unearth the secrets of the past?