In a small rural village, a group of farmers faces an unusual harvest season. The labor shortage due to the war has left the fields unattended, and the threat of devouring birds looms over their crops. In the midst of this crisis, a lonely man, an unconventional hero living next to a scarecrow, decides to take matters into his own hands. With his ingenuity, he begins to devise a series of absurd and clever traps to scare away the birds.
Meanwhile, the community learns of his unique method, and although they initially see him as a madman, they gradually start to join him in his mission. The protagonist’s quirks, humor, and tenacity create an atmosphere of camaraderie that revitalizes the spirit of the village. The plot intertwines with a subtle romance between the man and a young woman from the village, who is intrigued by his peculiar way of viewing life.
As the harvest progresses and the danger from the birds intensifies, the locals begin to realize that, despite their differences, unity and creativity can overcome any adversity. The film culminates in an explosion of color and emotion, where the struggle for survival and the value of community shine brightly, leaving a lasting impression on all hearts.