In a small village ravaged by war, a group of young people faces the adversity and horror brought on by the armed conflict. Among them is Marco, a passionate photographer, who finds his passion transformed into a weapon of resistance. While the adults are called to arms, the children inherit a world in ruins and are forced to create their own community, a refuge where dreams and hope can flourish amidst despair.
One day, Marco discovers a girl named Sofía, who has been orphaned after an airstrike. Despite his own sorrow, he decides to take care of her. Together, they turn an old photography studio into their hideout, capturing the beauty of what remains of their home and dreaming of a future in peace. As the war escalates, the community of children organizes itself, establishing a system of mutual support and sharing stories of bravery and friendship.
With every image they capture, they convey a powerful message of resistance, echoing the silent heroes who fight to survive in a world where chaos reigns. But when conflict strikes again, Marco and Sofía must face heartbreaking decisions that will test their courage and their commitment to keeping hope alive. In this emotional journey, the power of photography becomes a symbol of struggle, memory, and a longed-for future, where childhood can find its voice amidst the silence.