Snow White and the Huntsman is an epic reimagining of the classic Snow White tale, with a dark and visually striking tone. In this version, Snow White (Kristen Stewart) is a young girl whose beauty and purity threaten the evil Queen Ravenna (Charlize Theron), a sorceress who rules with cruelty and stays immortal by feeding on the youth of others.
When Snow White escapes the castle, the Queen sends a tormented huntsman (Chris Hemsworth) to capture her. However, the huntsman becomes her ally, helping her discover her own strength and lead a rebellion against Ravenna's tyranny.
With epic battles, breathtaking landscapes and an unforgettable villain, Snow White and the Huntsman explores themes of power, redemption and the fight for freedom. A story where Snow White not only hopes to be saved, but becomes the heroine of her own destiny.