In a small Swedish village, five siblings confront the harsh realities of life in a rural environment marked by poverty and family tensions. Each of them carries a personal story that reflects their desires, frustrations, and yearnings, while at the same time, they struggle to maintain family unity. The father, an authoritarian and rigid man, becomes the oppressive figure threatening to dismantle the close bond the siblings share, who seek refuge in their fraternal connection as they cope with farm work and societal expectations.
As the plot unfolds, internal and external conflicts begin to intensify. One of the brothers, the dreamer and creative one, feels suffocated by the imposed expectations, wishing to escape to a more fulfilling and authentic life. Another, the pragmatic one, clings to tradition, believing that family must come before all else. The arrival of a mysterious woman in the village will ignite passions and hidden desires, creating a series of moral and emotional dilemmas that will test their loyalty to one another.
In a context of struggle for survival, love, and sacrifice, the siblings will have to make difficult decisions that will define not only their future but also the very essence of what it means to be part of a family. The film offers a visceral portrait of rural life and the complexity of human relationships during an era marked by change.