In a small town in New England at the beginning of the 20th century, a young woman named Alice, known for her rebellious spirit, feels trapped by the conventions of her time. As spring approaches, Alice decides it’s time to change things. Together with her best friend, Clara, they plan a series of pranks that will shake up the monotony of everyday life. Their goal: to challenge the social norms dictating how women should behave in a patriarchal society.
Alice and Clara disguise themselves as men and attend a local dance, unleashing a series of hilarious mishaps that culminate in an unexpected confrontation with the men of the community. The two young women find themselves in comedic yet revealing situations that test their friendship and beliefs in a world that seems to be in constant flux.
Meanwhile, a young man named Tom, who also feels out of place, crosses their path. Tom has been searching for his own voice and is drawn to Alice’s courage. As conflicts arise and secrets are unveiled, the characters are compelled to question not only their identity but also a society that imposes limits on them.
Through a blend of humor and emotion, this story showcases the struggle for personal freedom and the quest for true happiness, where friendship and self-discovery are the keys to breaking the chains that bind each individual.