In a small border town marked by tensions, a group of immigrants arrives in search of a new beginning. However, their arrival sparks a series of conflicts between the local residents and the newcomers. Among them is Ana, a young woman determined to escape her tragic past, and Samuel, a rancher who sees the immigrants as a threat to his way of life.
The story unfolds through a series of misunderstandings and rivalries as both groups struggle to establish themselves in this disputed territory. As tensions rise, Ana and Samuel find themselves pushed to one side of the conflict that opposes them, yet at the same time, they discover something more: a forbidden love that defies the norms and expectations of their community.
When an unexpected crisis, triggered by a territorial dispute, tests the limits of each side, Ana and Samuel must decide what is more important: their loyalty to their community or the bond they have formed despite the adversities. The film immerses us in a drama filled with emotion and moral dilemmas, with cinematography that captures the essence of the town and the human struggles. In the end, each character will have to face their own demons, and the line dividing both groups becomes more blurred than ever. The fight for the future and the desire for unity permeate every scene, leading us to question our own divisions.