In the bustling world of an office in 1913, a young typist faces the daily challenges of her job. The life of Lucy, a talented yet timid stenographer, takes an unexpected turn when her boss, an ambitious businessman, tries to exploit her ability to record confidential conversations. As she becomes immersed in a sea of papers and secrets, Lucy uncovers a sordid plan involving her boss and a shadowy group of corrupt businessmen looking to manipulate the market to their advantage.
Caught between her loyalty and the desire to do what is right, Lucy teams up with a charismatic reporter who is intrigued by her bravery and unique talent. Together, they devise a plan to expose the conspiracy. However, tension rises when Lucy's boss realizes that his secret is in jeopardy and begins to tighten the noose, plunging Lucy and her new ally into a world of danger and espionage.
As the threat grows, Lucy must find the courage to confront not only her boss but also her own fears. With unexpected twists and a struggle for truth, the story explores the determination of a woman in a male-dominated environment and her quest for justice in a world that often seems stacked against her. Thus, Lucy becomes the heroine she never knew she could be, leaving her mark on the history of the office.