In the tumultuous context of World War I, a young soldier finds himself caught between duty and his own convictions. The plot follows this intrepid protagonist, who, after being conscripted by force, is sent to the front lines where the brutality of war is a harrowing reality. As he progresses through the conflict, he begins to question the ideology behind his struggle and the orders he receives.
Throughout his odyssey, a powerful friendship develops with a fellow soldier, a veteran who has lost hope in the idealism that led him to enlist. Together, they face moments of terror and camaraderie, but they also encounter ethical dilemmas that challenge their views on honor and bravery. The harshness of conflict tests their values, while their families at home cope with the pain of war in a completely different way.
In the midst of confusion and chaos, the protagonist discovers his true mission: not only to survive but also to bring a message of peace back to his home. With a strong emotional backdrop, the film offers a raw look at the difficult decisions that must be made in times of crisis and portrays the internal struggle of a man who must decide what it truly means to be strong in a world filled with uncertainty. The conclusion invites the viewer to reflect on the cost of war and the power of personal sacrifice.