In a small village surrounded by an extensive lake, there lives a young woman named Leda, known for her ethereal beauty and her deep connection to nature. Since she was little, Leda has been fascinated by a group of swans that inhabit the lake. However, her serene world is disrupted when a prince, drawn by the legend of the mysterious "swan girl," arrives in the village in search of adventure.
Leda, who harbors a magical secret that binds her to the swans, finds herself in the midst of a dilemma when the prince discovers her swimming in the lake. Her tranquil life turns into chaos as romantic feelings begin to blossom between them. But the jealousy of the evil forest witch, who seeks to capture the prince's heart for herself, threatens to destroy the special bond that Leda has forged with the young man.
As the story unfolds, the witch casts a spell that turns Leda into a swan at night, leaving her trapped between two worlds. To break the spell, she will need the prince's true love, who must struggle against adversity and prove that not everything is as it seems. With a blend of romance, magic, and adventure, Leda and the prince must discover the power of faith and true love to restore peace in the lake and in their hearts, challenging both nature and the dark forces that threaten their happiness.