In a picturesque village, a young woman named Alyssum lives a peaceful and simple life, nurturing her love for flowers and the landscapes around her. Her heart belongs to a handsome gardener, who woos her with sweet promises and romantic gestures as they work together to care for a large community garden. However, the tranquility of her life is disrupted by the arrival of a mysterious stranger, who brings with him secrets from the past and an attraction that is hard to resist.
This outsider, a worldly man full of charisma, quickly becomes the center of attention in the village and sparks in Alyssum a curiosity that leads her to question her relationship with the gardener. Amidst moments of tenderness and comical misunderstandings, the young woman finds herself caught in an emotional tug-of-war that pushes her to explore her true feelings and desires.
Set against the backdrop of a garden in full bloom that symbolizes her personal growth, Alyssum must decide whom she truly loves: the warm and familiar gardener who has always been by her side, or the intriguing stranger who makes her feel more alive than ever. In a plot filled with emotions, entanglements, and a touch of romantic comedy, the story turns out to be a journey of self-discovery where the flowers not only beautify the surroundings but also illuminate the path to Alyssum's heart.