In this captivating story set in a small town, the lives of two men intertwine in unexpected ways. One of them is an orphan who has spent most of his life under the care of an elder woman, who has taught him to be kind and generous. The other is a stranger seeking a fresh start, but his troubled past haunts him, and his impulsive nature leads him to wreak havoc.
As they connect, an unlikely friendship blooms, but the differences in their worlds soon become evident. One day, a series of unfortunate events tests their bond: a robbery at the local market, unrequited love, and the arrival of the police. Caught between loyalty to their values and the temptation to break the rules, the two men must confront their inner demons and seek redemption.
Tension escalates when the stranger faces a hard choice: to leave behind his old life or drag his friend into a hole from which he may never escape. In this context, the story explores themes of friendship, sacrifice, and the struggle between good and evil. With an unexpected final twist, the film leaves the audience reflecting on the nature of forgiveness and hope in an often ruthless world. A gem of silent cinema that definitely provokes a rollercoaster of emotions!