In a vibrant circus city of the early 20th century, a skilled acrobat who has hidden his true face behind a mask decides to do the impossible to win the love of his life, a beautiful young woman named Nanon. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when a mysterious crime forces him to live in the shadow of his own secret. With the boundaries of identity and desire intertwined, he finds himself trapped between his growing love for Nanon and the dark past that compels him to conceal his true self.
The tension escalates when a new rival appears on the scene, a rugged and charismatic artist who also longs for the young woman's heart. This sets off a game of jealousy and manipulation that becomes even more complicated when the police begin investigating the crime that has left our protagonist with his hands tied. As their worlds collide, deeply held secrets start to emerge, putting not only their love at risk but also their lives.
With a narrative full of unsettling twists and a suspenseful atmosphere, the story explores themes of identity, sacrifice, and the power of love within a dark and captivating context. The climax unfolds in an exhilarating final sequence that leads the characters to an inevitable fate, leaving the audience reflecting on the masks we all wear and the truths we often prefer to hide.