In a small village marked by misery and oppression, a ruthless usurer controls the lives of its inhabitants through usurious practices that strangle their dreams. With a false smile and cold eyes, this villain has become the undisputed master of the community, demanding outrageous fees for loans that they will never be able to repay. However, the balance of power begins to waver when a brave young woman, fed up with the tyranny that her family endures, decides it is time to act.
The story revolves around her struggle to free her village from the usurer's grasp. With the secret help of a mysterious outsider—a fallen hero who has suffered the same fate—they form a daring plan to confront the oppressor. Using cunning and courage, they seek to inspire their neighbors to rise against the fear that has kept them silent.
Through a web of deception and sacrifice, the protagonists face dark revelations about the usurer's past, uncovering secrets that could change the course of their lives forever. The film, blending drama and suspense, showcases the struggle between greed and hope, highlighting the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Will they manage to break the chains that bind them, or will they be trapped forever under the usurer's dominion? The tension rises, and the climax promises to leave everyone on the edge of their seats.