In a small, shadowy European village, a mysterious castle dominates the landscape, whispering ancient secrets to the wind. The story follows a young and beautiful woman who feels irresistibly drawn to the enigmatic count residing in the castle. At first, her fascination seems to be merely a whim, but soon it evolves into an obsession that drives her to explore the dark secrets of the count and his grim world.
As the woman delves deeper into her relationship with the enigmatic noble, she begins to notice strange changes around her: nature takes a macabre turn, the villagers appear increasingly uneasy, and mysterious disappearances become a daily topic. The atmosphere grows tense and oppressive, and it gradually becomes evident that the count is much more than an ordinary aristocrat: he is a vampire, an immortal being who feeds on the lives of the innocent.
As the tension escalates, the woman finds herself caught in a dangerous game between life and death. She must confront the secrets of her lover and decide if her yearning for love is as strong as her instinct for survival. With an unexpected conclusion, the film explores themes of desire, seduction, and the struggle between light and darkness, leaving the viewer wondering if true love can arise even in the deepest shadows.