In a world marked by the aftermath of war, a group of women from diverse social classes and backgrounds finds themselves in the same city, each dealing with the impact of the conflicts that have changed their lives forever. Their stories intertwine as they confront the harsh reality of the absence of their loved ones, who have gone to fight at the front. With strength and determination, they decide not only to survive but also to raise their voices and seek a better life for themselves and their families.
As the plot unfolds, we follow Claire, a young mother trying to raise her children while her husband is at the front. Lidia, a wealthy woman who has lost her brother in combat, joins a group of volunteers offering assistance to affected families. Meanwhile, Miriam, a worker in an ammunition factory, reveals the inhumane conditions under which many of these women labor.
Through a poignant drama that highlights the resilience and crucial role of women in wartime, the story explores themes of sacrifice, friendship, and empowerment. In a context of adversity, the protagonists discover themselves and their strength, showing that struggles are not only fought on the battlefield but also in the heart and mind of those facing daily life in times of conflict.