In a quiet German village in the year 1918, the life of Agnes Arnau, a young and charismatic woman, takes an unexpected turn when she becomes the center of attention for three ardent admirers. Each of them brings with them a distinct background and a unique style: Franz, a bohemian poet whose passion for life is reflected in his verses; Heinrich, a pragmatic businessman who hopes to help Agnes escape poverty; and Klaus, a soldier who has just returned from the war and is seeking solace in love.
As the three men attempt to win Agnes's heart, a tangled romantic comedy unfolds. Each suitor offers Agnes a different world: the freedom of poetry, economic security, and the exciting life of a veteran. However, Agnes faces an emotional dilemma, as her heart does not know whom to choose. The growing tension between the men becomes a game of intellect and strategies, where words and acts of love dance on a stage of rivalry.
Amid the confusion and laughter, a reflection on love, identity, and the search for happiness emerges. Agnes, in her journey of self-discovery, will find that true love may not only stem from physical attraction but also from a deeper connection, one that leads her to question herself and her place in a world that has changed forever.