In a not-so-distant future, humanity has begun to colonize planets beyond its solar system. One of the new colonies, Romulus, presents itself as a paradise of hope and advanced technology. However, the situation takes a dark turn when a group of colonists, led by Lieutenant Sarah Turner, begins to experience strange phenomena and inexplicable disappearances. As they investigate, they discover an ancient alien ship buried on the planet, and what they find inside unleashes a force they believed only existed in nightmares.
As the colonists face an enemy lurking in the darkness, Sarah and her team must unravel the mystery of the ship and understand the danger posed by the beings inhabiting it. Amid the chaos, unexpected alliances and betrayal among the colonists further complicate their struggle for survival. What starts as an exploration journey turns into a terrifying battle for life, where every decision could mean the difference between saving their community or becoming part of the horror they have unleashed.
With spectacular visual effects and a script that combines elements of science fiction and horror, this film promises to keep the audience on the edge of their seats, exploring profound issues about the fear of the unknown and human resilience in extreme circumstances. A return to the essence that made this franchise a pillar of science fiction cinema.