In a small rural town where the winters are as cold as the hearts of its inhabitants, a group of teenage friends finds a way to escape the monotonous routine that surrounds them. With the return of a local legend about a fabulous buffalo that supposedly grants a wish to those who manage to see it, they decide it's time for an adventure. Armed with a camera, some food, and a couple of dreams, they get lost in the vast snowy prairie in search of the magical creature.
The protagonists are a diverse group: from the romantic dreamer to the daring girl who always challenges the group's norms, including the joker who seeks to share his joy, and a new companion who is a lonely boy, newly arrived in town. As they embark on their quest, they are forced to confront their own fears and secrets, but they also discover the true magic of friendship and courage.
Through hilarious situations and touching moments, the young people will learn that you don’t always need to find magic to make your wishes come true. With an ending that blends reality and fantasy, this coming-of-age film not only invites laughter and emotion but also explores themes of belonging, identity, and the power of friendship bonds. All of this in a setting that makes everyone who watches the film long to venture out and seek their own adventure in the cold winter.