In a small village at the beginning of the 20th century, secrets and repressed tensions hang in the air like the smoke of a campfire. The story revolves around a young woman named Clara, whose dreams of love and freedom clash with the harsh realities of her environment. After the tragic death of her mother, Clara falls under the strict custody of her uncle, an authoritarian man who controls every aspect of her life. Trapped in a world of conventions and expectations, Clara finds solace in her friendship with a charismatic outsider, who arrives in the village seeking refuge.
The outsider, marked by his dark past and with a special talent for playing the guitar, becomes a symbol of hope and rebellion for Clara. Together, they begin to plan an escape that promises them a life of freedom. However, as they deepen their relationship, a tragic accident opens old wounds and reveals buried secrets. Clara is forced to confront not only her love for the outsider but also the fear she feels for her own destiny.
With the tension rising and the yearning for freedom clashing against family oppression, Clara must decide between following the path marked by fear or risking everything for an uncertain future. The struggle between duty and desire intensifies in this evocative story of love, sacrifice, and the quest for one's own identity in a world that seeks to drown the dreamers.