In early 20th century Germany, a young idealist embarks on an introspective journey after uncovering a dark secret about his family that leads him to question his own identity. Caught between a world of social conventions and his deepest desires, he feels like a stranger in his own life. As he grapples with his family's expectations and societal pressure, he begins to explore his forbidden passions and falls in love with a woman who defies every norm.
However, the joy of this love is threatened by the arrival of a mysterious character: a man who appears to be the dark mirror of the protagonist, reflecting his fears and longings and leading him into an emotional entanglement that confronts him with his true self. As their relationship intensifies, a series of events unfold, resulting in a radical conflict between duty and desire.
With an innovative visual style for its time, the film combines elements of expressionist cinema and a subtle sense of tragedy, capturing the anguish of a lost soul in a world that does not accept individuality. As tensions rise and relationships crumble, the protagonist is forced to make a decision that will change his life forever, leading to a surprising conclusion that will leave the audience questioning the nature of self-acceptance and true love.