In ancient China, a talented painter named Ramo lives tormented by the loss of his beloved. This artist, who once shone with creativity and passion, has fallen into a state of despair and isolation, unable to find the inspiration he needs to continue his work. His existence revolves around the obsession with the memory of his deceased girlfriend, who haunts him through visions and dreams.
One day, while exploring the forests surrounding his home, Ramo encounters a mysterious woman who seems to have come out of his dreams. She is an embodiment of his lost love, and their meeting awakens a torrent of forgotten emotions within him. However, fate plays against him: Ramo finds himself trapped between the real world and his desire to keep the memories of the past alive. The woman encourages him to rekindle his passion for painting, leading him to create a masterpiece that captures the essence of his love and the myth of the dragon, a symbol of strength and protection.
As the story unfolds, Ramo must confront his pain and find a balance between life and death, reality and fantasy. With a blend of visual beauty and a poetic narrative, we are presented with an emotional journey that explores love, loss, and the purifying power of art, where dragons not only soar in his imagination but also represent an internal struggle for healing.