In a context of brutal war on the battlefield, a group of soldiers experiences the harsh reality of life in combat. The protagonist, a man trapped in a conflict that seems endless, faces not only the enemy but also his own internal demons. As the days turn into an unending sequence of horror and desolation, the atmosphere is filled with despair and hopelessness.
During a dangerous mission, one of his friends is seriously injured, a devastating blow that triggers profound reflection on morality and the meaning of existence amidst death. The protagonist begins to question the dignity of the struggle and the purpose behind the orders he receives. Ethical dilemmas emerge, as loyalty and survival seem to be in constant conflict.
In a series of heart-wrenching encounters with death and loss, a somber and poetic tone is established that portrays war not just as a physical conflict but as an existential struggle. Throughout the narrative, the viewer is taken on a rollercoaster of emotions, where bravery and sacrifice intertwine with despair. Ultimately, the question is raised of how far humanity can go before completely losing itself in the cruelty of war, leaving an indelible mark on those who survive.