In a small and isolated village, a mysterious secret has been haunting the inhabitants for generations. The story revolves around young Eliza, a curious and determined woman who, after her grandmother's death, discovers an ancient family diary that reveals dark rites and past pacts. Intrigued by the revelations, Eliza begins to delve into her family lineage, only to uncover a legacy of inexplicable tragedies and supernatural events that have plagued her bloodline for years.
As she deepens her investigation, Eliza encounters the enigmatic Thomas, a stranger who seems to know more than he reveals. Drawn to each other, they form a strange alliance, but she must confront the warnings of the village elders, who insist that the past should never be altered. Over time, Eliza begins to experience unsettling occurrences and has nightmares that lead her to question her own sanity.
When a devastating event strikes the community, Eliza realizes that her family is not only marked by the inheritance of secrets but also by a dark force that seeks to consume them. With the lives of those she loves in danger, Eliza must decide between uncovering the truth or allowing the cycle of horror to continue. As she nears the climax, it becomes evident that true inheritance is not only passed down through blood but also through the choices we make.