In the vibrant context of 1960s Mexico City, a group of young people embarks on a wild night full of adventures, music, and personal discoveries. The story begins with a gang of bohemian friends who seek to escape routine and find meaning in life through love and friendship. It all starts when a mysterious character is chased by a group of thugs, causing the protagonists to get caught up in a series of entanglements and absurd situations.
As they try to help this stranger, the friends dive into a whirlwind of romances and conflicts. Amid the laughter and fights, a blend of melancholy and fun emerges that captures youth and the search for identity. The music, omnipresent in their antics, becomes the thread that connects the characters and reflects their deepest emotions.
With a unique style that combines comedy and drama, the film captures the essence of a generation striving to break free from social norms and explore their freedom. In every corner, in every bar, and in every unexpected encounter, the protagonists discover not only the pleasures but also the disappointments that love and loyalty bring. What begins as a simple night of partying transforms into a life lesson, a journey through desire, friendship, and the quest for a place in the world.