In a bustling early 20th-century city, a private investigator named George H. Merritt embarks on a strange case that will take him to the edges of reality and fiction. The story begins when a desperate young woman seeks Merritt's help after the mysterious disappearance of her brother, a renowned scientist who has become entangled in secret experiments and cultural theories. As Merritt immerses himself in his investigation, he uncovers a series of clues that lead him to a hidden world where science and the supernatural intertwine.
The city streets, illuminated by gaslight, conceal dark secrets and intriguing characters. From an enigmatic professor obsessed with teleportation to a group of citizens who seem connected to events that transcend logic, Merritt unravels a mystery that blurs the boundaries between life and death.
As the plot unfolds, the investigator realizes that the disappearance may be linked to a horrific experiment that goes beyond what humanity should endure. With limited time and increasing pressure, Merritt must confront his own fears to uncover the truth before it's too late. With an ending that defies comprehension, this captivating story keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, reminding us that sometimes, what is lost can never be regained.