In a Danish city marked by poverty and hopelessness, a young man faces a grim destiny after being fired from his job at a factory. Unable to find another job and feeling trapped in a cycle of misery, he decides to join a group of vagrants who roam the streets in search of food and shelter. Among them, he discovers unexpected solidarity and forges bonds with unique characters who share their daily struggles. However, life on the street is nothing more than a constant reminder of how little they have left.
Meanwhile, the story of his family intertwines with his own. His mother, who struggles to keep her other children afloat, succumbs to the weight of despair and faces decisions that will change her life forever. Through flashbacks, the protagonist recalls the happy moments of his childhood and the warmth of the family home that now feels so distant.
As the plot progresses, tensions rise, and the characters confront moral dilemmas that make them question their humanity. In a world where survival seems more important than dignity, the story examines the cost of despair and the search for redemption amidst adversity. With a melancholic tone, the film becomes a powerful portrayal of the individual's struggle against the society that marginalizes him.