In this captivating work from the early 20th century, we follow the story of a young artist named Enid, who has left behind her dull life in the city to seek inspiration in a picturesque coastal town. There, she finds herself drawn to a mysterious portrait of a stunningly beautiful woman who seems to come to life every time she looks at it. The legend says that the woman was a famous painter who tragically disappeared, leaving behind an enigma that has intrigued residents for generations.
One day, while walking along the beach, Enid meets a handsome sailor, Jack, who helps her uncover more about the story of the vanished painter. As they fall in love, Enid immerses herself in a world of intrigue and mystery, uncovering dark secrets that tie the woman in the portrait to Jack's family. Her quest for the truth takes her through beautiful landscapes and moments of tension, confronting not only the ghosts of the past but also the obstacles that threaten her own relationship.
With each brushstroke she makes on the canvas, Enid begins to unveil a tale of love, betrayal, and redemption that connects her to her own artistic journey. But as she gets closer to resolving the mystery, she is forced to choose between her passion for painting and the love that has blossomed on the coast. A choice that will change their lives forever.