In a Scandinavian village, a butcher named David Holm leads a life of excess and disdain for his family and community. Confronted with death due to his self-destructive lifestyle, he finds himself caught between life and the beyond. On his deathbed, he is visited by a mysterious stranger, who turns out to be the driver of a funeral carriage, a figure who will take him on a journey through his memories.
David is forced to relive his decisions, facing the consequences of his selfish and cruel acts. From his scornful laughter at parties to the pain he caused his wife and children, each scene becomes part of his journey. The spirits of those he has hurt watch him, filled with sadness and disappointment. As the carriage moves forward, the atmosphere becomes increasingly intense, revealing the inner struggle between redemption and condemnation.
On this journey, David also makes a stop along the way as he confronts the figure of Death, who invites him to reflect on the meaning of his actions and the possibility of change. Through moments of revelation and bittersweetness, David is compelled to seek a way to redeem himself before it is too late. The film is a visual and emotional journey that transforms hopelessness into a subtle reflection on life, death, and forgiveness.