In a dark and grim European city, a young doctor obsessed with the secrets of the mind and the nature of humanity embarks on an experiment that will change his life forever. After undertaking a risky procedure that plunges him into an altered state of consciousness, he begins to experience disturbing visions and unravels the dark desires and fears of those around him.
At first, these revelations are fascinating, but they soon turn into an unbearable burden. With each hallucination, he delves deeper into a web of betrayals and deceptions that threatens to consume him. As his connection to the outside world blurs, the doctor becomes a pariah, feared and rejected by the society that once admired his intelligence. The ghosts of his past begin to torment him, and the effects of his experiment drive him to madness.
Amidst the chaos, an enigmatic figure appears seeking revenge, tying the loose ends of his personal story to the doctor's fate. This confrontation sets off a series of events that reveal that in the struggle to understand human nature, there are dangers that challenge even the brightest scientists. The film explores the boundaries of ethics, the cost of knowledge, and the thin line between genius and madness, all while unfolding a shocking climax that will leave the audience breathless.