In a small Swedish village, a man obsessed with wealth and power sees his life crumble when he decides to steal a fortune from his friend, a once-noble now in decline. The story begins with Arne, an ambitious merchant living in the shadow of his friend, who still enjoys his former glory. Fueled by envy and unchecked greed, Arne devises a plan to obtain the money his friend keeps jealously in his house.
However, the path to wealth is not without obstacles. Loyalty and betrayal intertwine as Arne tries to manipulate those around him, including the noble’s beautiful daughter, who sees in him something more than mere ambition. As Arne delves deeper into his deception, he begins to question his true desires and the morality of his actions. Tension escalates when the noble discovers Arne’s plan, leading to a game of cat and mouse filled with intrigue and vulnerability.
As the climax approaches, Arne faces the consequences of his decisions, risking not only his friendship but also his own life. Through an intensely psychological drama, the film explores themes of greed, friendship, and the quest for redemption, illustrating that not all that glitters is gold. The old saying "money isn't everything" takes on a profound meaning in this captivating tale.