In a world where the line between hero and villain becomes increasingly blurred, Eddie Brock has found a glimpse of peace alongside his symbiotic partner, Venom. Following the events of their last battle, both are trying to lead a more tranquil life in San Francisco, far from the chaos that usually surrounds them. However, that peace is fleeting, as a new threat emerges: an ancient rival of Venom, now more powerful and with an insatiable thirst for revenge, has arrived in the city. With the intent to unleash unimaginable chaos, he seeks to end Eddie's life and prove to the world that even the darkest secrets can come to light.
As Eddie struggles to maintain his normal life, his inner demons resurface, provoking a conflict that will challenge his loyalty to Venom. Along the way, he will join an unexpected group of anti-heroes seeking to thwart the impending disaster. But, as tensions rise, the distrust among them and their fear of falling into the dark side will test their relationships.
With personal challenges and external threats, Eddie and Venom must decide whether they can trust each other to face their greatest adversary. The story unfolds amidst electrifying action, surprising twists, and moments of dark humor as they fight for what truly matters: identity and redemption in a world where the boundaries of good and evil are increasingly diffuse.