In this new adventure, Gru finds himself at a crucial moment in his life. After taking on a more active role in raising his three daughters and leaving behind his life as a villain, he faces a new challenge: a mysterious criminal organization called "The True Villains," which threatens to dismantle the peace and harmony he has built with his family. While Gru tries to balance his family life with his desire to protect others, the Minions, always chaotic and adorable, become entangled in a misunderstanding that leads them to believe they need to rescue their beloved boss.
Meanwhile, Lucy is also drawn into the plot, as her past as an agent of the AVL (Anti-Villain League) calls her back with a secret mission that she cannot refuse. The family finds itself divided, with Gru and Lucy trying to resolve their own crisis while the Minions, driven by their unwavering loyalty, devise their own rescue plan.
As the story unfolds, themes of family, personal growth, and redemption are explored. The action is filled with epic moments, visual jokes, and plenty of crazy antics that will not only make children laugh but also entertain adults. Will Gru be able to unite his family and stop the True Villains before there's nothing left to protect?