In a world where science and madness intertwine, a young doctor decides to experiment with his own body and mind. After adopting a bohemian lifestyle, he undergoes a procedure that involves drilling a hole in his skull, believing that this will allow him to access a new level of consciousness. However, what seems to be a journey towards self-discovery quickly turns into a terrifying odyssey.
As the protagonist navigates through a dreamy and chaotic world, he begins to see the hidden truths of those around him: their darkest desires, repressed fears, and concealed obsessions of those he considers close. The line between reality and insanity blurs as he confronts his own inner demons, leading him to question his identity and his own humanity.
With an innovative visual style and surreal moments that challenge perception, the narrative delves into the human psyche, exploring themes of existence, madness, and the search for truth. What begins as a medical experiment soon transforms into an introspective journey filled with unsettling twists, where each revelation about others also uncovers dark aspects of his own soul. In this haunting exploration of the mind, the protagonist faces the fragility of his own existence, in a cycle that redefines the notion of what it means to be human.