In this entertaining comedy of errors, we follow the escapades of a scatterbrained young woman whose heart is full of good intentions and who finds herself caught up in a series of comedic disasters. Mabel is a dreamer who always tries to help others, but her lack of attention to details leads her into hilariously proportioned trouble. One day, she decides to surprise her boyfriend with a romantic dinner at her house, but everything starts to go wrong from the very beginning.
While trying to prepare everything for the occasion, Mabel confuses ingredients and, in an attempt to impress her beau, ends up causing a series of incidents involving her neighbors, an unfortunate milk delivery man, and even the police. Each of Mabel's attempts to fix things only makes them worse, leading to increasingly absurd and funny situations. Her boyfriend, for his part, is eager to get home, unaware of the madness that awaits him.
In the end, what began as a noble effort turns into a disastrous spectacle, but it also serves as a lesson about the importance of communication and understanding in a relationship. The film is a loving reminder that sometimes life is more fun when things don't go as planned, and that the best things can emerge from the most unusual confusions.