In a small and picturesque European town, life goes by peacefully until a mysterious traveler appears, possessing the ability to make things disappear. This enigmatic character, who seems to have a hidden purpose, soon becomes the center of attention for the local inhabitants, who are both intrigued and alarmed by his powers.
Among them is an ordinary man, a dreamer who longs for adventure but always feels out of place in his monotonous surroundings. Drawn by the traveler’s allure, he begins to follow him, unaware of the terrible consequences this will entail. As the traveler unleashes chaos, the protagonist finds himself swept into a series of absurd and hazardous situations.
Time passes, and our dreamer realizes that he has lost more than he has gained. His quest for adventure has cost him his friends, his job, and, most importantly, his identity. In an attempt to redeem himself, he must confront the traveler and reclaim what he has lost, facing his fears and the truth about himself. With a mix of dark humor and poignant moments, this story reveals the cost of reckless ambition and the pursuit of the unknown, showing that sometimes, what we truly desire is closer than we think.