In a remote village of ancient Egypt, the fate of a young woman named Amina intertwines with that of a mysterious stranger who arrives in her town. Amina, trapped in the rigid traditions of her people, dreams of a life beyond the borders of her home. One day, while gathering water at the river, she encounters an outsider who bears a serpent mark on his arm, a symbol that commands both respect and fear.
The stranger, of tribal origin, has come in search of an ancient artifact that, it is said, grants power and eternal life to its possessor. Rumors about the artifact have triggered a series of dangerous events in the village, as they not only awaken the greed of men but also the wrath of the gods. As Amina and the stranger draw closer to uncovering the secrets surrounding the artifact, their connection deepens, and they begin to question the limits imposed by their cultures.
However, the village leaders, fearing what they do not understand, decide to take action and put an end to the threat they perceive in the outsider. As time runs out, Amina must choose between love and loyalty to her people. The story unfolds an epic journey of self-discovery, challenge, and above all, the struggle to break the chains of tradition in pursuit of a new life.