In a world where dreams intertwine with reality, a young inventor named Ferdinand seeks a way to escape the monotony of his everyday life. The story begins when Ferdinand, tired of the routine, immerses himself in the creation of an extraordinary machine that can capture and project people's dreams. His invention, a masterpiece of the technology of the time, awakens the curiosity of the city and, of course, the attention of some very peculiar characters.
Among them is Clara, a bohemian artist with a soul full of yearnings and mysteries, and an old philosopher who lives disconnected from reality. Together, they form a curious triangle that will explore the nature of dreams and creation. As Ferdinand begins to experiment with his machine, they discover that dreams are not merely illusions; each projection carries with it a shadow of their deepest fears and desires.
Pursuing ambition and love, the group is swept into a series of surreal events where the line between wakefulness and dreams blurs. However, as the secrets of the machine are revealed, so too are the complexities of their relationships, leading them to question the true meaning of dreams, creation, and human connection. The story reaches a climax where they understand that sometimes what one seeks in dreams comes at a real price in life.